Tuesday, 12 February 2008

Things To Make And Do


Things To Make & Do
WeSC is a street fashion brand and relies on four pillars: Creativity, Having fun, Punkattitude and Community. The theme for the Fall/Winter campaign 2007/08 is “Things to Make and Do”. We wanted a campaign core that could take to the streets, work in your cosy home and also become something to talk about. The core of the campaign needed to be media independent and be able to thrive on its own. We also wanted to place the creativity pillar in the hands of the consumers and activists, and be the ones providing the vehicle for getting creative. This is what we came up with:

The Concept

What would you do if you got a several thousand colour magnetic triangles? Would you stripe a car, a train, a tanker? Would you create a huge pixelated portrait or your own graphic patterns? Would you get creative? “Things to Make and Do” is the theme for the fall and winter campaign for WeSC. And we really don’t want to tell you what to make and do, but we’ll encourage you with a great new toy to play with. That’s why we created magnetic ”We-Pieces”.

Consider the possibilities – stripe a subway car, a boat, a garage door or all light posts on a street – all creating street art. For ads and more ”traditional” media we allowed ourselves to be a bit more static. All ”We-activist” were used in the shoot. For the studio shoot a wall mounted steel backdrop was the canvas for each We-activist, on which to create artwork with We-Pieces. The images from the shoot were stitched together to create a huge panorama piece. Even the artwork was stitch together vertically to create one huge superlative conspiracy piece with all activist artwork.

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