Monday, 11 February 2008

DUDE - Wake Up

Winner: Guldnyckeln, School Prise Section

CLIENT: Dude, beauty products for young men 19-24 year olds

PROBLEM: Dude is a new cosmetic line only for men. It is sold on-line but and brought home by post. Its price is medium high compared to other products. Few men use cosmetics, especially compared to women usage. Even fewer understand that the health of your skin can be a lot better only using simple products.

CHALLENGE: Launch of the collection. Making men use skin care products and convincing them that it is not hard and that they can improve their looks and health by using products from Dude.

SOLUTION: We chose to call it skincare instead of beauty products giving it a feeling of being less complicated and easier to relate to. The communication is built around the webpage where you nominate your most trashy friend. By doing that you get 20 % off on your first purchase. Your friend who was nominated gets 50 % off if buying the products his friend recommended. The nominated friends are being voted on and are able to reach the top ten, wall of shame. If you click on each friend you can see what products he was recommended and even see the results by clicking on “make over”. In an ambient campaign Dude products are places out as samples at several gym, hairdressers and in restaurants or bars.

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